Marco Foschini
Clust-ER Agrifood Manager
CREDAS “Cross-Regional Digital Agrifood Service” is a project aimed at improving and testing supporting services for the digital and green transition of agrifood SMEs of Emilia-Romagna and Friuli Venezia Giulia Regions in Italy. Its main purpose is to provide qualified assistance to regional agri-food value chains, reducing the existing gap between innovation demand and offer, facilitating the adoption of digital solutions, enabling companies (most of all SMEs) to increase their know-how, skills, competitiveness and market readiness. Such ambitious objectives will be achieved by the two involved DIHs, i.e. Clust-ER Agrifood of Emilia-Romagna Region and Agrifood FVG of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region who are cooperating at cross-regional level to implement a set of services from May to September 2022:
The initiative is funded entirely by European Union funds as part of the Open call SERVICE of the SmartAgriHubs project, addressed to foster the digitization of European agriculture by promoting an ecosystem of agricultural innovation based on excellence, sustainability and success.
The CREDAS project represents the first step for an inter-cluster collaborative approach, through which the Clust-ER Agrifood and Agrifood FVG intend to carry on the partnership created, and join their commitment in the economic development of their region, in line with the rise of new opportunities such as the Clusters meet Regions initiative which see the clusters as key drivers of regional development and growth.
Marco Foschini [email protected]
Ilaria Marcolin [email protected]