September 14, 2023

Celebrated the I Smart Labeling Congress in Spain

During 3 days, from 17th to 19th of March, the I Smart Labeling Congress has been celebrated in Jabugo (Spain). It has been organized by Naturcode, company that promoted the pilot project Complat together different actors from Extremadura, Emilia Romagna, Fruili Venezia Giulia, Pazardzhik and South Savo pertaining to the regional networks of the S3P Traceability & Big Data. This event joined different stakeholders across the agrifood value chain who share their vision about the importance of offering to consumer high quality information of the complete chain of food products, in order to help them in the decision-making process as buyers.

The Congress was inaugurated by Jorge Molina from DG Research and Innovation, who pointed out how small producers can use data and digital tools to grow and go forward.

Additionally, Esteban Pelayo, Director of EURADA, spoke about different financial pathways that the European Commission offers to actions and projects related to the digitalization of the agrifood value chain, such as Horizon Europe among others.

The second and third days, the Congress agenda was focused on the discussion and analysis that should be offered to consumers through the smart labeling, taking as a starting point the food parameters known as “6S diet”: safe, salubrious, sustainable, satisfactory, social and supportive.  

Each roundtable was composed by 4 representatives coming from the quadruple helix: academia, local agrifood companies, consumers associations and different regional administrations. Thus, together the moderators, discussion was generated and different points of view were shared. Conclusions obtained will ensure the advancement in the agrifood sector and the smart labeling.